Hair & Beauty Magazine

My Favorite No-Prep Meal

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
This post was sponsored by Tai Pei, all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
My Favorite No-Prep Meal
I love eating. And most times I love cooking. Before having a family, I had imagined myself making Pinterest quality meals for my family from scratch laid out next to beautiful table scapes for every meal. The reality of being a working mom is that sometimes I'm exhausted by the time it's time to make dinner. Some days due to traffic or extracurricular activities there's not a lot of time left to make dinner before it's BabyCakes' bedtime. I'm also juggling two picky eaters so by the time I've made separate/altered meals for everyone I'm drained.
Meal responsibilities don't stop with dinner time. Now that we're a team of three with a pre-schooler on our hands there's usually only enough leftovers for one person's lunch the next day. So I also have lunch preparing to contend with. I'm not too proud to use quick meal solutions to make life easier. My favorite on-the-go meals are easy to prepare, easy to travel with, and warm. I just don't feel satiated with cold meals.
My Favorite No-Prep Meal
I recently tried out Tai Pei entrees and they are great for easy no-prep lunch or dinner. They have quick and tasty Asian food. I tried out the General Tso's Spicy Chicken and Orange Chicken flavors but they have a wide range of flavors each made with flavor-infused fried rice. All their entrees are made with real, pure ingredients, and no preservatives or artificial ingredients. The product packaging makes Tai Pei quick and simple to prepare in just minutes in the microwave. It's a no-fuss lunch solution, especially if I don't have much time to stop for lunch during work.
My Favorite No-Prep Meal
Tai Pei provides a great meal on a budget. I feel satisfied after eating them, like I had take-out, but without the takeout prices! Use the store locator to find where Tai Pei single serve frozen fried rice is available near you (in the frozen food section).
Enter in the raffle widget below for a chance to win one of 10 prizes ($100 Walmart gift cards) & 3 Grand Prizes  ($500 Walmart gift cards). Giveaway runs Monday, January 29th - Monday, March 5th 2018. I-C will randomly select 13 winners from all program entries and will facilitate fulfillment of the winning prizes.
Tai Pei Sweepstakes (Phase 3)

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