Family Magazine

My Definition of Love

By Mommynimfa @wazzuridea
Day 54: Your definition of loveThis entry reminds me of slam book days, when I'd think of my answer to the big question "What is love?" Since I was an active member of the children's Sunday school back then, my typical answer is the famous 1 Corinthians 13:4 Bible verse. Now, I still believe in that verse but I already come up with my own belief when it comes to love.My Definition of Love
After being in a couple of relationships, I realize words are not enough to prove you really love someone. I'm speaking based from experience. Let's admit it, it's wonderful to hear those sweet words. But some people are just flatterers, when it comes to deeds they'are what? I like this quote from Nicholas Sparks. This is exactly my definition of love.

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