Fashion Magazine

My Blogging Hiatus: I’m Off to Vegas

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes
My Blogging Hiatus: I’m Off to Vegas

In case you don't already know, I am on blogging hiatus for a few weeks and will be back after Labor Day. I always like to take a much needed break at the end of summer. This time, however, is a little different. I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow. Unfortunately, it's not for vacation. I will be speaking at MAGIC, which is one of the largest trade shows in the fashion industry. During this event, quite a few seminars will be held.

The topic of my seminar will be on training sales staff in personal styling. I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on this to the retailers attending. I believe there can be tremendous benefits to giving salespeople this type of training. With knowledge like this, sales staff would be able offer more informed selections to their customers while being more effective and helpful. Can you imagine working with salespeople who actually has this sort of expertise?

Anyway, I am off to finish packing. I will try to share some updates from my trip via Instagram and will share more details when I return.

For now, enjoy the rest of your summer and I will chat with you in September!

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