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I am trying to put up my back to school memories : then and now . Hope you guys could connect to it as well.
“I mark the hours, every one, nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, are gauged by what you have to do.“
—Inscription on Hermione Granger’s Time-Turner.
Harry Potter’s witch-wizardry world is indeed a place to be in……there is hardly anything which seems unfeasible.
How I wish to get up one day and realize that I am still in my school days and the present was a dream which has years to actually enfold into the realisms of what we call LIFE!!
I know something’s are just impossible to reach out but how can we ever forget our formative years of school life which taught us what we are today? However your school was….it was equal to the Temple of Worship. There are so many who are less privileged and are the mere spectators of the School buildings, the students and the educators.
I am currently working in the admin department of a reputed school and believe me, there has not been a single day which has not made me nostalgic – starting from the ringing of the bell, the Assembly, to the various subject periods, the practices in the Zero periods, the festival celebrations, the Annual days, the competitions, sports days, decorating the bulletin boards, the installation ceremony, the punishments, the scoldings, the giggles under the desk…..my my goodness gracious, my eyes are full.
The heavy missing of school times were realized when I entered Motherhood and started catering to Jianna’s every beck and call. New generation and playing a new role.
A peek-a-boo, I am sure there will be many who will connect to this:
Back To School Memories – Then and Now
1I hardly bothered and cared about the Alarm Clocks, Momma was up even before the cocks crowed and dare I can ever be late…??I fear Alarm Clock not ringing up at the set hour and check an umpteen times to make sure that I am not late for the day.
2I only cribbed and scowled opening my tiffin box and more often I was interested what my best friend has brought.I daily think for a new recipe so that my 19 months old Jianna doesn’t get bored with her tiffin and relishes her food with open arms when she stays in her Day care.
3My clothes and uniforms were already found spick and span at their correct place.I have to keep myself updated whether Jianna’s clothes are properly washed and neatly maintained.
4I went to the store just to check out the new arrivals and discounts on chocolates, cookies, cosmetics and clothes.I go to the store and usually check for new arrivals and discounts on diapers and other baby toiletries.
5I was an ardent lover of Danielle Steels, Enid Blytons, Tinkle, Archies, Carolyn Keens, Sheldons and Rowling series.I step inside a library and browse only through the kids section which holds the Nursery Rhymes or Picture Books.
6I searched only for Bollywood numbers, missed out sitcoms and Pops.I search for animated baby learning videos on YouTube.
7When I met my friends, we usually discussed about our clothes, figure, who has broken up with her boyfriend and why, new hairdos and what not……hush…hush!!!I meet my friends and we usually talk about our kids’ being fussy eaters, new milestones achieved and their health issues.
8The dates I remembered were all my friends’ birthdays, friendship day, Valentines’ Day….etc…etc…The only dates I remember is my Baby’s vaccination dates and her Birthday.
9I had my set of favorite music cassettes, books, albums and a little diary to write all the important contact numbers wherein most of them were on the tip of my tongue.I use my mobile phone to listen to my favorite numbers, I use my mobile phone to save e-books / photographs / videos and last but not the least I have all my contact numbers saved in it – Do I need to mention that I hardly remember anybody’s number??? Imagine being marooned on an island without your handy device……I better not fantasize much.
10TV shuffled amongst these channels – Sony, Zee TV, Star Plus, Mtv, Channel V etcTV shuffles among these channels - Disney Junior, Nick, Pogo, Hungama, Cartoon Network
11I was deliberately late but remained till the end -whatever the occasion.I have to cut short all the functions I attend – be it a friend’s wedding, parties/celebrations at work place and everything related
12Planning…… What’s that????? Scoldings & Scoldings……which were least considered by me.My graphs of planning well beforehand have improved lately and improvisation is being appreciated.
Tell me what’s your back to school memories ? Share with me, how your times have changed.