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Monday, my old foe, we meet again.
I admit, poor Monday does get a bad rap but it does also seem a wee more difficult to get started on a Monday than any other day of the week.
So I try to limit the blow as much as possible by following a simple motto and ticking off a few things on the checklist I keep in only my head.
My motto, first seen on Pinterest, where else, but it really struck a chord.
A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.
And for me, that Sunday well spent is a list of five simple things, the checklist I keep in my head, because not every Sunday is going to go to plan so sometimes you need to readjust that list.
- It’s boring, it’s dull, it’s laundry. But yes, I try and get this sorted for the start of the week ~ at least washed and dried. If we are really lucky, the pool table is cleared and no longer resembles a walk-in wardrobe, but that’s only on really good days! Bonus points for ironing shirts for the week.
- Meals planned, groceries done. I’ve even started pinning a list up in the kitchen for the week’s meals so everyone knows what’s going on. Nothing makes me feel more frantic than trying to sort out, and buy ingredients for, meals during the week. Again, meal planning is not the most exciting way to spend a weekend but it pays for itself during the week.
- I take a few moments to tidy the house ~ get rid of old papers ahead of the week’s bin run, clear the detritus of items left by the smalls in the living areas, straighten the kitchen, clear the dining table, straighten the cushions. If I’m lucky, it might last a couple of days but it makes me feel better.
- Get a handle on the week’s blogging/work/activities. If you’re a blogger, it might be sorting out the week’s posts, writing a list of the week’s work projects, or even getting things right for after school/work activities. The luxury of time to think things through should not be underestimated.
- And finally, relax. I always factor in time to sit on a Sunday evening, preferably with a glass of something, before the crazy of the week begins.
Are you a meal planner? How do you make sure you are ready for the week ahead?
You might also like this about having an awesome week and this about starting the week off right.
PS. I also spent some time recently fiddling with le blog and now the home page provides a bit of snapshot of what’s happening. See it here