A couple of months ago, R and myself were in a traffic jam and we ended up parked outside a charity shop that I'd never seen before. Although R suggested that I get out there and then and have a look, I decided not to, but I made a mental note that it would be worth a visit.
When I went back, I did take James, because what was different about this shop was it is set up like a boutique. Spacious, nice long rails and everything spread out so I could get a really good look through all the stuff.
I only bought one thing and that was a blazer and I got that for the bargain price of £3.99.
Last night we went out for Khila's birthday, and so I wore me blazer for the first time.

Blazer - Charity shop Shorts - H&M Top -H&M Buy Here! Tights - Dorothy Perkins Boots - New Look
I had to take my own photos last night and couldn't be bothered with my tripod, hence the camera in the photos!!!
Hope if you get snow this weekend that you have lots of fun and drive safely!!