Music's Best Moustaches, presented by the Moustache Growers Union Local 416647

We have always been big fans and big supporters of Movember!
This year, thereviewsarein is participating to help raise awareness and funds to support men's health initiatives as part of the Moustache Growers Union Local 416647... and we're excited for the rest of the month.
To help celebrate, we've got some fun content coming that we'll share with you all soon. But for today, we're reaching into the internet archives to shout out 10 amazing moustaches from the world of music.
Many of these mustachioed men are no longer with us - but we remember them, their music, and their facial hair fondly.
We haven't put them in order, because they're too good to rank. But we welcome you to leave a comment telling us which moustache you like best!

Jimi Hendrix

The Beatles


Freddie Mercury

Lionel Richie

Jesse Hughes

Alan Jackson

George Michael

Kix Brooks

creator of content, manager of community, writer, tweeter, coffee drinker. sports, comics, movies, food, music & pop culture geek. Proud MoBro.