Carol Shuler never was a participant in the Legal Schnauzer blog prior to Riley's lawsuit and the subsequent arrest of Roger Shuler on Oct. 23. Riley included Carol Shuler as a defendant in his case, claiming she was a "contributor and administrator" for the blog.
In court papers Riley claims that Legal Schnauzer "purports to be a joint enterprise" between Roger and Carol Shuler. The blog, however, does nothing of the sort. It lists one author, Roger Shuler, and it lists no contributors or administrators because there aren't any.
Carol Shuler clearly is not a lawful defendant in the case, but she remains under threat of arrest because of the Riley lawsuit. Here is language from an Oct. 21 court order in the case:
"4. The Court reserves determination on whether to remand Respondent Carol Shuler to the custody of the Shelby County Sheriff."