Fashion Magazine

Mr Porter's Sale

By Dieworkwear @dieworkwear

There are four sales that I generally look forward to every season - Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Barney’s, and Mr. Porter. The first two have passed, and the second two have just begun. Barney’s has been decidedly unexciting this season, but there are a few good things at Mr. Porter. These include offerings by

  • Drake’s: tasteful pocket squares and ties galore
  • Belstaff: the Roadmaster is particularly nice
  • Aspesi: Including the M65 I talked about last month
  • John Lobb: selections are slim, but I recently tried on those brogues and they were sublime
  • Dents: handsome English gloves
  • Bill Amberg: I like the leather laptop case you see below

Even if you don’t plan on buying anything now, it may be worth figuring out what you’d like when the sale deepens. Items are likely to be discounted by 50-70% in a couple of weeks. You can browse the sale here. 

Mr Porter's Sale

Mr Porter's Sale

Mr Porter's Sale

Mr Porter's Sale

Mr Porter's Sale

Mr Porter's Sale

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