Remember Jimmy Stewart in the Frank Capra classic movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) is doing the same thing RIGHT NOW on the Senate floor.

Sen. Paul is filibustering the POS regime’s appointment of John Brennan as CIA Director because the administration won’t disavow drone killing American citizens on US soil without due process. In fact, the POS’s attorney general Eric Holder three-times refused to answer the question whether it is constitutional for the the United States to use a drone to kill an American citizen on U.S. soil, even if said citizen does not pose an “imminent [national security] threat”.
This is unconstitutional and Sen. Paul said he’s had a enough of unconstitutional actions by this regime and will talk until he can’t do it any more.
Sen. Paul is getting great support from Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). (Elected to the Senate only last November, Sen. Ted Cruz has been bold, fearless, outspoken, and conservative. Bravo, Senator Cruz!)
Will any other senators step in when Paul has to quit? Flood your senators’ phone lines with that question.
This is democracy in action, folks!
Read more in the Washington Times.
Watch Senator Paul live on CSPAN here.
H/t my friend Robert K. Wilcox