Rudy Davis (for some reason, I couldn’t capture an image of Erin off the internet)
I’ve been involved in “legal reform” and/or “patriot” issues for 30 years. During that time, I’ve seen the toll this kind of activity takes on families. Almost always, if one spouse (usually, but not always, the husband) becomes passionately involved in “legal reform,” the other spouse (usually, but not always, the wife) becomes frightened. The passionate spouse becomes bold and willing to risk all for God or country. The frightened spouse becomes convinced that by standing up to government, they may lose their home, their wealth, and their liberty. The resulting tensions tend to precipitate divorce.
Only rarely have I seen two spouses who are equally passionate in their resistance to government corruption and treason and able to withstand the resulting stress without risking divorce. Rudy and Erin Davis are one of those rare couples.
They met each other at a “birther” meeting in New York. Both were passionate about the idea that Obama was not born in the US and was therefore ineligible to be President. They married shortly thereafter and have pretty much dedicated their lives to the Good LORD (Number 1) and the “birther” movement (Number 2).
Six or eight months ago Rudy was afraid to speak in public. But he started posting videos of his commentaries on YouTube and now he’s become an amazing public speaker. You can’t talk to Rudy for even three minutes and not know that he truly loves the Lord. A lot of people talk about loving the Christ, but Rudy really does–and it’s contagious. I expect Rudy to become one of America’s great TV evangelists. He won’t be there to hustle people and make money. He’ll succeed because he is truly motivated to serve God.
Erin has a simple and direct honesty that’s understated, and yet compelling.
They both attend the “open carry” demonstrations each month at Dallas, Texas where they and others openly and legally carry their loaded rifles or shotguns while walking around in downtown Dallas. They’re accompanied each week by an under-cover police officer.
Two or three months ago, Rudy, Erin and about 25 or 30 thirty other “open carry” demonstrators were carrying their rifles and shotguns around Dealey Plaza. They were spotted by a group of Japanese and Chinese tourists who were dumbstruck to see a couple dozen armed Americans walking around the place where JFK had been assassinated 50 years ago. Cameras kept snapping in disbelief. Soon, Japanese tourists and their children were having their pictures taken with those armed Texans. The incident is both hilarious and inspiring. God only knows how many more people in Japan and China have since seen those photos and been amazed to see Americans standing up for freedom on Texas.
Here’s a video recorded by Rudy as he walked around Dallas last weekend with his rifle in another open carry demonstration and then encountered some members of the Black Hebrew Israelites (who claim that Whites can’t be saved and must go to Hell). This confrontations is fascinating since there are three or four black guys debating several openly armed white guys (and girls)–and no one is getting paranoid. No one is threatened by the presence of firearms.
Rudy’s camera is built into his glasses and the result is a less professional than you might hope for, but far more passionate and honest than you might expect. I don’t know how this video will affect you, but parts of if had me clapping my hands. You can’t miss or deny Rudy’s love for the Good LORD.
video 00:20:00
And here’s another audio file of Erin being interviewed just today by Pastor James Manning wherein she calls President Obama a “dirty rotten liar” and discusses the “birther” issues. She delivers a simple, guileless, compelling honesty. She’s easy to listen to; easy to trust.
video 00:13:21
I attend the Cross Life Church (25 to 50 members each Sunday; non-501(c)3 with Pastor Eric Philpot–a truly spiritual man) with Rudy and Erin. All three (Rudy, Erin and Eric) are genuinely decent people motivated to do that which is right. I’m proud to know them and delighted to see that their pursuit of justice and righteousness will not destroy their marriage.