Books Magazine

Movie Review: Neighbors (2014)

Posted on the 29 June 2014 by Kandee @kandeecanread

Neighbors (2014)Starring: Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Dave Franco, Rose ByrneSummary: A couple with a newly born baby have some new neighbors.Did I mention it was a fraternity?My Thoughts: Seth Rogen is at it again. He's hilarious.But this movie was not. Neighbors is not a full fledged comedic roar of a movie. It is actually somewhat lame, unlike what I thought it was going to be.  I saw it expecting gut bursting jokes and such, but I barely got out a lot at all. I mean there were a few funny scenes, but not enough for me to really enjoy this movie as a comedy.The jokes that were put in there just didn't amuse me. Mainly because they were sex jokes that just made everything uncomfortable and weird.   But the actors did make the movie somewhat bearable.I've always loved Seth Rogen and he did not disappoint, and Zac Efron has stepped his game up as the leader of the frat, funny and hot. (Unlike a unsuccessful Taylor Lautner in Grown Ups 2) But I absolutely fell in love with Rose Byrne. She stole every scene she was in and I was itching to just see her all the time. I mean, she was great! The movie had a good concept, but just failed to deliver, frankly. So, please, don't spend about 10 bucks like I did if you were expecting a laugh out loud comedy, you will not get it.

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