It’s here again. That wonderful time of year when we give up our faces for a better cause than a good looking beard. Welcome back to Movember.
This is my 6th Movember, and every year my moustache has grown in a little differently, so believe me when I say that I have some nerves about how I’m going to look over the next month. However, I have no nerves about Movember being something I want to be involved in.
I’ve been lucky to team up with some awesome Mo Bros and Mo Sistas over the years – and this year is no different. We already have 5 team members signed up to the Moustache Growers Union Local 416647, and we’re looking for more!

Note: That is my Movember 1st face right now as I type this post. So smooth, so cold, so odd.
This Movember we will also be celebrating the 5th annual Movember Challenge Karaoke Toronto fundraiser!
If you’ve never been to, or never heard of our little shindig, I’m telling you right now that it’s a party you don’t want to miss. Every year we have more fun than the last – and every year we raise more money as well. So look for more info to come but save THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 from 9PM to 2AM to meet us at the MARQUIS OF GRANBY on Church Street in Toronto.
I’ll be inviting all of you that I know on Facebook, and I know the rest of the team will be doing so as well. And I’ll be talking more about the event and sharing links as we get closer to the date.
Note: Sean and I are still flabbergasted when we think about the fact that this will be the 5th #MoChaKaTO event. When we started this thing we didn’t even know if it would work – and now it’s one of my favorite nights of the year. Special thanks to Jason Rolland for hosting us for the last 5 years.

Not a single man is immune to prostate cancer, testicular cancer or mental health issues. That means that your dad, your brother, your cousin, your boyfriend, your husband your best friend – they are all vulnerable. And because of that, we fight to find new ways to protect and treat and support every man who has to go through those fights.
If you would like to support my moustache you can click this link:
Or you can visit the Moustache Growers Union Local 416647 page:
If you’ve participating in Movember as a Mo Bro or Mo Sista, leave your name and page link in the comment section so everyone can follow your progress and donate. We’re all in this thing together!
Be awesome!