I've posted about East End Kitchen before, and with good reason; it is one of the most convenient, high quality restaurants in my area. And with time, they seem to be doing more and more things right: Every Monday and Tuesday, for instance, they offer bottles of wine half-priced with any dinners; weekend mornings bring their fabulous brunch special; and Sunday evenings are for $15 burgers with fries and beer, fish & chips and beer, or mussels with fries and beer.My roommates and I got ourselves all psyched up for the deal last Sunday. I was fully prepared and ready to have a beer (or two), fried fish, and french fries for dinner. Unfortunately, when it came down to it, I realized I didn't want a meal like that at all. I wasn't actually that hungry. Not to mention that my body was exhausted and undernourished from a weekend of careless fun. So, I listened and had a glass of wine with their Grilled Eggplant salad (chickpeas, baby arugula, asparagus, lemon-cumin dressing) instead. Meh.It's not that it wasn't good, but I was disappointed. I couldn't even handle an entire homemade donut bite for dessert. Guess it happens though. Next time!