Destinations Magazine

MOTORWORKS Line by Manhattan Toys Review

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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little Indiana received a pair of Motorworks line cars and one accessory set by Manhattan Toys in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are mine alone (as always).

Motorworks by Manhattan Toys Review

Motorworks by Manhattan Toys Review

With two young boys in our home (ages 3 and 7) you can bet that we are drowning in toy cars!

We have cars that make sound, cars that are quiet, cars that move, and cars that don’t. But we have yet to find a car toy as durable and fun as the MOTORWORKS line by Manhattan Toys.

MOTORWORKS line by Manhattan Toys

THIS is what a toy car should be! With a wooden car body (made from European Beech wood), well, it doesn’t get much more durable than this!

You don’t need to purchase a bajillion other cars to give yourself variety because you can buy the accessory sets and are good to go!

Everything is interchangeable. Switch out wheels or rims or cabs. Buy accessory packs to add on custom decals or spoilers. There’s a lot of possibilities here.

Motorworks by Manhattan Toys Review

Motorworks by Manhattan Toys Review

Toy Car Fun

Choose among the street series, the  speed series, or the monster truck series. We went with the STS Police Cruiser for the youngest.

I knew our oldest would like the style of the FSS Flairside Truck in the Speed series (but still, it’s all interchangeable!). The Downforce Dragster accessory pack also caught my eye.

I thought they would really like the detail on these and, since Kid #2 is obsessed with police cars (and any other fast-moving vehicle with sirens), I knew he would love it!

Both of them loved every bit of this Manhattan Toys product! As you can see, they are very nicely packaged. I think that only added to their excitement to get the boxes open.

Durable Toys for Kids on the Go

Motorworks by Manhattan Toys Review

Motorworks by Manhattan Toys Review

I love that the MOTORWORKS line are interchangeable and durable. They just feel good in your hand! But I also love that they are so easy to pack up and take with us on our travels!

We don’t bring every little piece along, but we bring enough so that they boys are entertained for those moments when we have a bit of downtime and they can just hangout for a bit and be kids.

The MOTORWORKS line has certainly made those snippets of time when we are in-between destinations so much easier on us parents! Our boys already have their eyes on more sets and accessories.

With cars so cool, I can’t say that I blame them–and that we will most likely add to their current selection!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

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