Now, I'm no biker girl, to me a bike ride means not wind in my hair but knots and sticky hair, it means dreaded breakouts thanks to the pollution. It also is not something you can enjoy in a dress, heels and pearls. I apologize for painting such a drab picture of something most people find liberating, but thats just me.
However, I do think they are beautiful.. glistening metal, inviting seats, the empowering roar of the engine can all provide a thrilling experience. I am all for celebrating all things beautiful, bikes included. Though I do not dream of taking these babies out for a spin, I will happily pose besides them as an ode to their beauty.
I was only hoping that some leather clad, tattooed and pierced guy does not walk down to find me awkwardly posing with his love while trying to look biker chic and cool..
Thankfully no one did..hehe

Are your dreams made of fast bikes or the hunks that ride them? Tell me, I wanna know all...
Sweater : Mommy knitPants : brasstacksmadras.comBracelet and Brooch : Gift from sister (UK)Shoes : ZaraShirt : Thriftedwant to look good and feel fab always?? Join us