Fashion Magazine

Motivation Monday: Discipline.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_

Motivation Monday:  Discipline.

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  Discipline and working out.  A fitting topic for today. It completely depends on your work schedule and commute time.  For me, a dailymorning workout is the only option.   Morning workouts.  Up before sunrise.  Extreme focus, hot, sweaty.  At least itinvolves a colorful and cute outfit, right?   A great way to start the first hour of the day.  It's drive.  It's focus.  It's discipline.  No, evening workout you ask?   Every now and then, if time permits, a short Rodney Yee yoga video ends my day.  With that being said, hot yoga is being added back into the mix at least once a week. Achieving my morning workout goal is the only way to go!  ...Goals + Discipline... 
Motivation Monday:  Discipline.

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