Family Magazine

Mother’s Day Gift Idea: Red Carpet Manicure Gel Polish Starter Kit

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
Mother’s Day Gift Idea: Red Carpet Manicure Gel Polish Starter KitI hate to admit it, but I rarely wear nail polish. I like the look, but it’s just too frustrating to spend the time painting my nails, only to have them chip in just a couple of days. Frankly, I don’t have the time to keep replenishing my manicure several times a week. And I’m too cheap (and short on time) to get professional manicures. So, when I started hearing about the new gel polish systems that use an LED light to create a long-lasting manicure, I was intrigued. Would these products work for me?
Mother’s Day Gift Idea: Red Carpet Manicure Gel Polish Starter KitThankfully, Red Carpet Manicure was kind enough to send me their at-home gel polish starter kit for review! It provides just about everything you need to try out this system for yourself, including the LED light and a bottle of bright red gel polish. There are a lot of steps involved (preparing the nails, applying two coats of polish, applying a top coat, etc., all with use of the LED light for 1-2 minutes between each step), but I am thrilled with the results and feel this system will save a lot of time in the long run. My nails look gorgeous, just as if I’ve had them professionally done. And, so far, my manicure has lasted much longer than a traditional one. I’m not paranoid that the polish is going to chip, and I love how pretty my nails look!
I’m excited to continue using this system and to try more nail polish colors from Red Carpet Manicure. You can find the starter kit, other manicure tools, and their nail polishes at Their products are also available at Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Fred Meyer, Meijer, and many other places. This would make an excellent gift for Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day Gift Idea: Red Carpet Manicure Gel Polish Starter Kit
Mother’s Day Gift Idea: Red Carpet Manicure Gel Polish Starter Kit

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