Most Popular Toy in the 1980's

If you were a young girl in the 80's then you definitely had a Cabbage Patch Kid. I can still remember how excited I was when I opened one of my presents at Christmas and I had received a premature baby girl. Her name was Trudy by the way. She was this cute little Cabbage Patch Kid that I absolutely loved. Ask me how I remember her name, I don't know LOL.. Anyway Trudy came with her own adoption papers. birth certificate and her name was already picked. Cabbage Patch Kids were one of the most popular toys in the 80's.
When they first came out everyone wanted to buy their child one. Waiting lines were unbelievable, parents got into arguments, it was a mess. They even sold out and you had to go on some waiting list to get one, like you were really adopting a child. My parents told me the story when I got a little older.
You can still buy them in stores, but right now they are doing the 25th anniversary of the Cabbage Patch Kids and they are selling them just as they were in the 80's. You can view them here: Cabbage Patch Kids The Original Kids 25th Anniversary
In the end I wound up with 5 or 6 Cabbage Patch Dolls and a couple of Cabbage Patch Kids Pets. I have moved quite a bit and somehow lost them, but it would be nice it I would have still had them!
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