For a really quick hairstyle, you can try this look out
- Brush your hair until it is relatively smooth
- Slip on a wide headband to cover any messy strands in the front.
Patent leather headbands are the in-thing these days and look really trendy.

This is one of the most common hairstyles but as it’s an evergreen style, you can surely try it out with some embellishments
- Give a little puff to your hair in the front.
- Take a small section of the hair in the front and puff it a little. Secure that section on the top using a bobby pin. This way you can avoid the hair falling on your forehead
- Hold the rest of the hair in a ponytail. Brush the hair at the back below the ponytail properly to avoid any hair falling out of the ponytail.
- Secure the ponytail at the top of the head using an elastic band. You can adjust its position depending on your preference or your face cut
- You can try to give the ponytail a more formal and neat look by taking a small section of hair from the ponytail and wrapping it over the rubber band to hide it. Secure the end of this section with a bobby pin.

- Comb your properly and ensure there are no knots
- Secure your hair into a low and loose ponytail at one side with a rubber band
- Divide the section just a little above the ponytail into two and flip the ponytail into the hole created out of the division
- To give it a more neater look pull the ponytail a little with both hands

This is a fairly simple hairstyle as well to try out if you are having long hair
- Divide your hair into three sections- two in the front and the third one should be created out of the middle portion of the hair, just a little below the skull.
- Secure the third section at the back of the head with a bobby pin so that it doesn’t interfere with the other two sections
- Take either of the two front sections and twist it properly in a normal way and proceed towards the back. Once you reach the end of this section while twisting, secure it with a banana clip
- Take the other front section and again twist it properly in a normal way and proceed towards the back
- Take all the sections at the back and tie it with an elastic band
- Take small section of the ponytail and wrap it over the rubber band to give a more stylish look.
MESSY BUN Hairstyle:

A messy bun takes all of two minutes to put together.
- Pile all your hair on top and wrap an elastic band around it a couple of times.
- Choose a few bobby pins that match the color of your hair and use them to shape your bun.
- If you want to make the bun a little messier, pull out a few ends and set the style in place with hairspray.

There are so many ways in implementing this hairstyle. We’ve picked this simple one so that you can try it easily
- Begin with the section in the front near the forehead
- Comb your hair properly to avoid any tangles and part the hair in the middle of the forehead
- This twist can be made on one side of the hair
- Take two strands from the front section and slip the lower section over the top
- Again take a small section from beneath the twist line, add it to the lower section in your hand and slip it over the top section.
- Proceed with this twist by adding small sections of the hair to the lower section and switching the lower section over the top
- You can continue till you reach a little behind the ears. Secure the side twist behind the ear with a bobby pin

This is a modified form of a normal braid yet a little different from the everyday look of a braided hair. You can try this out to give yourself a special look
- Divide your hair into three sections
- Take the section at the end and braid it normally like you will do in an everyday style
- Treat this braided section as just one of the three strands of a braid.
- Braid your entire hair taking the braided section as one strand and the other two unbraided sections. Secure it with a rubber band at the end
- This gives a unique look to the braid and also prevents any flyaway hair