Music Magazine

Mos Generator: 10th Anniversary Vinyl Test Pressing Auction

Posted on the 28 April 2012 by Hctf @hctf

Mos Generator: 10th Anniversary vinyl test pressing auction

A stoner rock rarity auction is curretnly being held for a test pressing of Mos Generator 10th Anniversary vinyl:

Continuing with the company tradition of giving back to the community, Ripple Music will auction an extremely Rare Original Test Pressing of the Mos Generator 10th Anniversary vinyl, with proceeds going to the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). With the mission to honor and empower Wounded Warriors, WWP is the hand extended to encourage warriors as they adjust to their new normal and achieve new triumphs. Offering a variety of programs and services, WWP is equipped to serve warriors with every type of injury – from the physical to the invisible wounds of war.
Only 5 of these test pressings exist, and this is the only one made available to the public. You can jump into the auction, win a cool heavy rock collectible and benefit the guys who throw their lives on the line every day so that we can have the liberties that we do at the same time. To do so, just visit us at the Ripple Music Ebay Store. The auction will start on Monday, April 23rd and end on Monday, April 30th.


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