Fashion Magazine

Morning Glory

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

Morning GloryMorning sunshine is a specific type of sunshine, it’s not like the husky golden glows of early evening / late afternoon, and it doesn’t have that intensity which it does at around lunchtime. No, morning sunshine is the kind of sunshine which is lemony yellow and comes softly spilling through windows awakening everything around it with the promise of the new day ahead.  What about morning sunshine on Sunday mornings? I think that too has a different quality, compared with let’s say, Monday morning sunshine? Although typically if it’s Monday it’s rainy. One Sunday morning, the sunshine was spilling through and I thought it looked rather poetic lighting up the shower curtain. It’s these little pockets of the everyday which, when you take a step back and notice, it’s rather splendid and enchanting. I think the word “enchanting” is key, because we can so often become engrossed in the minutiae of the everyday that we can forget about the wider picture. It’s like that good ol’ saying …  and be sure to smell the flowers along the way … The mornings pass me by so quickly all the time and Sundays are definitely “my day”. I absolutely love them, the freedom ...

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