With 75 billion all-time App Store Download record, smartphone users aren’t that much interested in Apps as you might think. As per new study, 65.5% of US smartphone users download 0 apps per month. Yes, despite the App Store number war growing day-by-day the number of apps downloaded by smartphone users is really low. Barely 3% of US Smartphone users download more than 8 Apps per month. That’s about 2 apps per week.

This comes to us as a shock with the staggering 52% of time spent on digital media is US is on Apps which was 40% last year ( 2013 ). Every other website you surf has an App, every e-commerce site has its own app, social media apps are growing day-by-day and casual gaming has shifted from handheld gaming devices to iOS or Android run devices. So what is going wrong? Why are there no app-downloads by Smartphone users? Aren’t users happy with the apps they download? Are they discouraged by seeing the App quality? But that can’t be true we see gorgeous apps being released every few days, not just visually but these apps are outstanding in functionality too. The best of it, these apps are either free or very cheap ( mostly on sale price ).
As per Quatrz, most smartphone users download the necessary ( social media apps and others ) apps when they get the new device. Once all their requirements from their smartphone are fulfilled they stop visiting the App Store and are satisfied with the usability ( limited ) of their device. And the App discovery in both App Store as well as Play Store is pretty bad. Most users do not hunt for any app, most downloads are referred by friends / websites or from the top 25 lists of apps that are showcased by the Store.
There is no concrete answer to this mysterious question and nobody really knows the problem to fix it.
Source : Quartz