Over the past three years, I've had the privilege to review a wide variety of books and
curriculum. I'd like to share a list of my reviews geared towards the
Middle School years. Perhaps some of these will be making your
curriculum list for next year!
Vocabulary Cartoons
Word Roots
Junior Analytical Grammar Mechanics
Creative Writing:
Write with World
Institute For Excellence in Writing
Spies of the Revolutionary War Writing Lessons and Lapbook
Wordsmith Apprentice
New Millennium Girls Writing Bundle
Truth Quest History - Age of Revolution III
WWII:D-day and the Providence of God
Sabers Spears and Catapults - A Providential History of Warfare
Story of the Pledge of Allegiance
Modern History Lapbook
Geography and Culture
World History Detective from Critical Thinking Company
Across Five Aprils - Literature Guide from Progeny Press
Critical Thinking:
Art of Argument
Hands On:
Siege Machines
Area Formulas for Parallelograms, Triangles and Trapezoids
Living Fossils
The Answer Book for Teens
Elements of Faith Vol I
If Animals Could Talk
Christian Kids Explore Chemistry
Science Unit Studies for Homeschoolers and Teachers
The Answer Book for Teens Vol 2
Who is God? From Apologia
Who am I? from Apologia
Foreign Language:
Real Homeschool Spanish
Spanish for You
Vintage Remedies for Guys
Nutrition 101 Choose Life
Evan Moor Daily Geography Practice
Coral Island
Kit Kittredge z-guide to the Movies
Teaching Technology through Interest Projects
This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.com.