Note: The quotes below are by members of the iY Generation, Americans born after 1990 (obtained from Tumblr). DCG’s comments are in parentheses.

“If a 16 year old want to adopt a child no one would give it to her because she isn’t 21 yet or not an adult or maybe too irresponsible. So if a 16 year old is so irresponsible and not an adult yet so she wouldn’t even be allowed to adopt a child, then why would the government force her to get that child even though she might not want it? Let’s talk about how logical the bill against abortion is now. 50 shades of this.”
“Abortion is a personal decision not a legal debate.” (Abortion can be a legal debate when you break the law. Kermit Gosnell is proof of that.)

Victims of abortionist Gosnell. No legal debate here…
Part I: “You know what makes me mad? I used to work at Pizza hut and everyday we would have to yhrow away perfectly good pizza or potato wedges or garlic bread in the bin because it was the wrong order or the customer had changed their mind. They made us bind the whole thing. We weren’t allowed to put it aside to eat from or take it home (we all earned minimum wage so it’s not like we culd afford pizza that expensive a lot). But what makes me even madder is that they could easily give that to the homeless or poor. Like if a homeless person came into the store, we could have easily given him one of the 20 or so pizzas that we would be binning every single day anyway. Imagine all the pizza hut store in the world. Imagine each and every one throwing away on average 20 pizzas a day. Imagine how many people that would feed. Fuck corporations man. Capitalism is violence. “

Part II: “Grocery stores almost always throw out food when it reaches the expiration date, and most of them destroy it so no one can take if from the dumpster and eat it. Literally, destroying food so no one gets to eat without paying for it. My local Stop & Shop does this. Capitalism is violence.”
(I doubt these intelligent snowflakes even paid attention during their food handler permits class. Food providers’ regulations are mandated by local health agencies, i.e., GOVERNMENT. A corporation faces a high liability for being responsible for foodborne illness. You cannot serve food when it reaches its expiration date and you cannot leave food in a trash bin that someone might eat, get sick, and in some cases, die from. Foodborne illness is violence.)
(In reference to the Baltimore riots) “Violence doesn’t accomplish anything.” Well, damn. That makes the U.S. Military budget an even bigger waste. Let’s funds schools now instead.”

That U.S. military…what a waste of money to try and stop this madness!
“Being atheist doesn’t make you intellectually superior. Being religious doesn’t make you morally superior. *smashes reblog button with a hammer* Actually, stunningly, being an Atheist will make you both intellectually AND morally superior. I think about this shit every day in my Philosophy classes, it is absolutely the truth that religiously minded people are usually a little dimmer intellectually, and much more willing to fuck up on moral issues.”

“If you’re a pro-lifer who claims to want the best for THE CHILD, realize that refusing someone an abortion means that this person does not want a child. That child might grow up unwanted and unloved by their parent(s) or going from foster home to foster home. If you truly care about the children, realize that forcing someone to go through with their pregnancy is often not the best for the child.”

The “best” for the child…
“Vigil for AME Church Massacre in Charleston, SC. The mass shooting of nine innocent people in South Carolina has rocked the nation. This act of terrorism is being investigated as a racially motive hate crime. Black Americans are being gunned down and murdered at an alarm rate.” (Well, have you looked at what’s happening in strict gun-controlled Chiraq lately? #blacklivesmatter)
See also:
- More deep thoughts from the iY Generation!
- Our first deep thoughts for the New Year from the iY Generation!
- One more time this year…deep thoughts from the iY Generation!
- The iY generation: I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry…
- More deep thoughts from the iY Generation…
- The iY Generation: I’m scared for our future…