Books Magazine


By Ashleylister @ashleylister

Many thought that when I was asked to write a piece about the moon that I would write a poem about bare bums. The fact is I really like the moon and she features quite often in my work. I use her as a reference to color and light. She has a subversive beauty, a calling.
“Oh the children of the night”
I howl for you I move with the tide You control my mind You see my dark side
I bow and worship I gawp in awe You take colours from me You soak my shore
I give blood to you I dance in your shadow You hide the Sun's fire You sonata on a piano
I watch you rise I admire your slender crescents You cold hearted orb You control with your presence
I wax of your waning I would be lost without you You ever present satellite You are older when you are new.
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