<img class="size-full wp-image-5321 aligncenter" src="http://www.bumpsnbaby.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/hands-105455_6401.jpg" alt="monsoon care for babies" width="500" height="362"/>
Clutter-plutter rains started here. How about there ? Do you remember school/college days where in you reach your home drenching in rain while your Amma comes running to you to towel dry your hair and asking you a 100 times to pat dry your hair, if not causing cold and cough. Ho! We took those times for granted isn’t ? Anshika was born in July, yes this month 2 years ago. Its her 2nd birthday this month and we are ready to host a contest . Tune into Bumps n Baby FB page for this soon. So coming back to monsoon, it comes in with a truck loaded with germs and diseases . I guess this post is apt for the season; Monsoon care for babies .
Oh yes the main villain in the monsoon season, carrier of dengue , malaria etc. Look around and empty any drainages/small pools , pots , tyres etc. that could collect water and breed mosquitoes . Opt in for mosquito nets or repellents. Chicco Mosquito Repellent is safe and I had been using it for Anshika from long. Burning camphor or neem leaves can also ward off mosquitoes , but make sure the baby is not choked due to the fumes formed. I have seen water with camphor kept in the room to drive away mosquitoes though I don’t know how effective this method is.
Babies do tend to sweat even in monsoon which could accumulate leading to infections or rashes. Make sure you bath baby during the day with Luke warm water and sponge bath at night. You can also use a drop of neem oil in the water used for bathing babies above 11 months. Make sure to wipe off the dirt from the folds of the skin, underarms, thighs, neck and pat dry.
Opt in for a gentle moisturizing lotion and soap . Oil massages are also good to increase the blood circulation in cold rainy seasons. Head bath your baby on alternate days with a gentle shampoo.
Make sure the diapers are changed every 3-4 hours to avoid rashes or infections. Invest in a good diaper rash cream if required. Cut baby’s nails as it can attract dirt and grime easily.
Even we have to take care of our personal hygiene during monsoons. Anshika has the habit of running to her dad when he comes home. I know almost every toddler does this. Remember the amount of dirt , germs and dirty water he might have come into contact while travelling . So make sure to ask him to use sanitizer or a good refreshing bath before cuddling with the naughty pie/s.
Wipe the hands of babies with antibacterial baby wipes at regular intervals. Mop the floor with a good disinfectant if possible twice a day.
All the utensils of baby to be washed with warm water . Make sure all the feeding equipments are sterilized and pat dried . If you are making baby food , make sure your hands are washed properly. Vegetables and fruits should be soaked in turmeric and salt water before usage. This applies particularly for broccoli , cabbage, cauliflower etc. Make sure you buy the snacks for babies and toddlers from well maintained stores so as to avoid the contamination by rat urine.
Yes hydration is important in rainy season too. If you are breastfeeding continue so. Make sure your baby or toddler is well hydrated.
If its hot and humid though raining , make sure your baby is well covered in cotton wears. No woollen or satin wear required in rainy season. At night you can opt for full length pyjamas for your babies.
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