With a just under a month to go before MONOWHALES and The Royal Foundry hit the road together on a nine-city, co-headlining tour, we caught up with members of each band to chat.
In separate calls, we had the chance to talk to Jordan Circosta (MONOWHALES) and Bethany Salte (The Royal Foundry) on Thursday afternoon and asked them about the upcoming run of shows, as well as about each other's band, and their own music.
We started both calls by asking if there are any specific cities that they're looking forward to on the tour. Jordan told us that Toronto is always fun because it's a hometown show, but that felt like too easy of an answer. So, he added Ottawa, which he said has always supported them with great crowds and a growing fanbase. And he also added that there were cities like London and Sherbrooke that they've never played before and can't wait to get to. Bethany said that there are a lot of cities that they haven't played their own proper show in before, and that's exciting. But Montreal and Sherbrooke were Bethany's first answers since they've never been to Quebec other than in more touristy situations.
Bethany also told us that she loves the opportunity on the road of finding the little something cool that every city or town has. Whether it's a coffee shop or something bigger, she's always looking for something to explore.
During our calls, we also asked about the co-headlining nature of the tour. Bethany agreed with Jordan's description of the tour as an opportunity for the two bands to share each of their popularity in individual cities and create the best show possible. He added that they'll swap who plays first and last some nights, but no matter what slot they're playing, both bands will be out there to put on a good show.
To that point, about putting on a good show, we asked what these artists love about playing live. Jordan pointed to the crowd and connection, saying he loves it when the audience gets right up close to the stage instead of being separated or hanging back in the room. The energy that happens when everyone is close together is special. Bethany explained that it's something different every night. Or maybe it's not, and she just couldn't think of the exact thing. But she did tell us that she loves loading into a venue, setting up their gear and figuring out how the show is going to go, where they can dance, and how the night is going to play out when they go live in front of the crowd.
While we were on the phone, we took the opportunity to ask both Jordan and Bethany what they thought of each other's bands. Bethany told us that in talking to Monowhales and prepping for the tour, they seem like a really like-minded group to The Royal Foundry. She also pointed out that they have a great energy and vibe that she's really looking forward to enjoying over the tour.
Jordan said that he's looking forward to seeing their live set in person. From videos he's seen online, he knows that they do some great stuff and keep things fresh and moving throughout the show. He hasn't been able to see it up close yet, but can't wait for November 2nd in Ridgeway, ON.
And while we were on the subject of tours, we asked both artists if they had a bucket list artist that they would love to hit the road with. Bethany had one answer, and it was a good one: Arcade Fire. How can we argue with that? Jordan gave us a great list of Canadian talent that included Death From Above, Born Ruffians, Mother Mother, and Darcys. We'd see that tour.
We also asked both Jordan and Bethany about the response to their most recent releases. The Royal Foundry recently released a new single, Don't Know (and the accompanying lyric video which they are very proud of and were able to direct and work on in a very DIY setting.), and Bethany was happy to tell us that it's been a crazy positive response so far. Radio has been supportive, and fans have been connecting with the song. The personal connections that people have told the band about have been unexpected and fantastic to hear. She also mentioned that she was nervous going into the release, she always is, but she's also happy that they've released the single and it's done.
MONOWHALES released their EP, Control Freak on June 1st as well as a new music video for Let It Go (which makes us feel like we missed a really good party one night), and Jordan said the response has been super positive. On the industry side, there's been great support from radio and streaming. And on the fan side, it feels like people are liking the music and making a connection. Jordan talked about the feeling of working on new music for a year and then not knowing what the response will be. And how getting that positive reaction is always worth it.
Both artists also told us that they're working on new music. Jordan told us that October looks to be a great time to write before they get on the road. They don't have a full plan yet, but they're always working on what's next. Bethany told us there is new music in the works, but the plan hasn't been set yet either. It could be a full album. It could be a couple of EPs. They collect vinyl at home and have an eye on a release that way too. Time will have to tell, but we'll be looking forward to it, no matter what format they go with.
All signs point to this tour being a whole lot of fun at every stop. And no matter who goes on last, we are sure that both bands are going to bring their A games and leave everything they've got on the stage every night.
Get a ticket to the show closest to you, and be ready for a good time!
MONOWHALES & The Royal Foundry Co-Headlining Tour Dates
♥ Friday, November 2 - Ridgeway, ON - The Sanctuary
♥ Saturday, November 3 - Toronto, ON - Rivoli
♥ Sunday, November 4 - London, ON - Rum Runners
♥ Monday, November 5 - Windsor, ON - The Windsor Beer Exchange
♥ Thursday, November 8 - Montreal, QC - Petit Campus
♥ Friday, November 9 - Sherbrooke, QC - Boquebiere
♥ Saturday, November 10 - Ottawa, ON - House of Targ
♥ Tuesday, November 13 - Winnipeg, MB - West End Cultural Centre
♥ Wednesday, November 14 - Saskatoon, SK - Amigo's