Lifestyle Magazine

Monday, Tuesday, NailDay!

By Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson
I'm starting something new on ABBOE! I've been thinking about ways to make sure you darlings have something new and fresh to read more than once a week on here. So there will be 3 days in the week that will touch base on Makeup, Nails & Fashion! Once I get a better camera, I will do more looks to provide you ladies for Makeup Monday. That is the reason why I have posted images of looks that I enjoy. So you will get 3 days of solid Makeup, Nails & Fashion and the other days will be days of deals I find, or my everyday hectic life..or whatever, this is A BIG bit of EVERYTHING as you can see!
So the line up for the week will be as follows:
Monday-  #MakeupMonday
Wednesday- Monday, Tuesday, Nailday
Friday- #FashionFriday
Hope you dolls enjoy the line up. If there is a week I know I will be too busy to post something for any of the specified days, or I just get a complete brain fart,  I will reach out to you darlings for guest posts for these days!
Now on to the top of today's first installment of Monday, Tuesday, Nailday!
Today I am wearing Sinful Colors "Boogie Nights". It's kind of like a Salmon colored nail polish. I love colors like these on my complexion, especially when I have a tan! :)
Monday, Tuesday, NailDay!
Monday, Tuesday, NailDay!

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