One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall – Jefferson Airplane
Things are indeed getting surreal.
Appropriately, surrealism began in the 1920s, at the time of another great stock market bubble and was marked by representations of illogical scenes, often pasted together using everyday objects in unusual settings.
As noted by Dave Fry on his NDX chart, who'd have thought we'd be back to those "ridiculous" levels at Nasdaq 4,000 just 13 years after "learning our lesson"? Of course, the Nasdaq marched on to 5,000 before there was any actual lesson to be learned so we need to swallow our pills and go along for the ride if the Fed is intent on dispensing more psychotropics to keep us all tripping in 2014. While we're tripping, by the way, we can relax and get our brains washed by the Mainstream Media:
Do you think this is funny? This isn't funny, folks – this blatant example caught by Conan is, as he says, frightening. These are the kinds of messages that are placed in the media every day that are aimed at our spouses and our children and our parents – who may be a little more sucsceptible to these Corporate Messages. Everyon worries about the NSA LISTENING to them but no one ever worries about what's being SAID to us. This stuff is supposed to be "news"…
The news is nothing more than a script written by the powers that be as we prepare to celebrate New Year's Eve of 1984+30 and, of course, the so-called "Financial Media" is nothing more than a propaganda machine aimed at whipping viewers into a buying frenzy that retailers…
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