Fashion Magazine

Mod Hatter

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
Mod Hatter
The storms continue here in the Sunshine State. Last night a bolt of lightening struck so close to our place that the windows rattled (and I mean the lightening, not the thunder did this), and it was so bright that I even with my eyes closed I swear I saw my own iris. That, and it re-charged the glowing buttons on our remote control. Seriously. I checked. I of course was completely thrilled by the storm, unlike poor Eloise my cat. She refused to come out from under the bed, and I couldn't stay in it I was so excited. I love extreme weather. 
Mod Hatter
Mod Hatter
There was a clearing in the storm however. I cannot wait until Spring! Everything will be so fresh and green that I know the urge to roll around in the spring flowers will be completely overwhelming. In the meantime I will enjoy the monsoon rains. They make for the most soothing lullaby. 
Mod Hatter
Mod Hatter
Mod Hatter
I'm wearing a red silk Erin Fetherston for Target dress. Do any of you remember that collaboration? This dress was love at first sight. The Peter Pan collar was just too perfect. And the hearts. 
Mod Hatter
Mod Hatter
Mod Hatter
Mod Hatter
This is the last post you will see the gray bag in - it died this weekend. :( It popped off its hinges. So sad. RIP dear bag. You were loved. And slightly abused. (Maybe)
Mod Hatter

Mod Hatter

Erin Fetherston for Target dress (old) find another cute take HERE // Big Star cape // Target hat // Alexander Wang boots //

Thank you for reading!Also, a warm welcome to my newest Google reader, Antonella! For those of you who don't have Google accounts, I invite you to become readers on Bloglovin.

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