The caliber of the soloists brought together for the performance was exceptional. Oddly (to my mind) they were positioned behind the woodwinds, just in front of the chorus; having the sound balanced this way meant that the vocal lines didn't really emerge in the way I was expecting. I assume this was an interpretative choice, but I didn't get a strong sense of its objective. Christine Brewer seemed to be coping with some vocal indisposition. My first reaction to her sound was one of astonished joy at the clear, bright tone cutting through the orchestra. There were a few moments, however, where this sound seemed to disappear on her, or not respond as expected. She forged on valiantly, singing with clear emotional commitment. Simon O'Neill, not having to contend with a Mahlerian orchestra, sounded more at ease than when I've heard him in the past. His sound can have a pinched quality, especially at the top of his range, which is not to my taste, but he sang strongly throughout. The mezzo part was given brightness and warmth by Michelle DeYoung, who shaped her phrases beautifully, with expressive coloring of her sound. Much-needed musical gravitas was contributed by Eric Owens. His rich, solid bass was especially eloquent in the "Agnus Dei," but he contributed charismatic singing throughout. As a whole, it was a performance with much to recommend it, but which didn't fully communicate the absorbing passion, the dark, wild solemnity at its heart.