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Miso Soup Vs Clear Japanese Soup Broth

Posted on the 15 November 2020 by Sp00kje

Miso soup broth uses miso paste (fermented soybeans), dashi (fish or seaweed stock), and vegetables. Japanese clear soup is also known as “Miyabi soup.” Simmer meat stock and vegetables together to create Miyabi stock.

The key ingredients used to make each dish change their appearance. The miso paste found in miso soup gives the dish an almost opaque coloring.

The chef preparing Miyabi removes the vegetables after the stock simmers, giving the soup a clear broth and its nickname “clear Japanese soup.”

Miso Soup vs Clear Japanese Soup Broth

Both soups use vegetables in their stocks and green onions in their garnish. However, the depth of flavor is much richer in Miso soup. Miso paste adds umami to the soup that clear Japanese soup does not have.

Additions to each broth further differentiate between these two classic dishes. Miso soup traditionally includes tofu and green onions.

It’s also common to add other vegetables, such as mushrooms, carrots, and onions. Some people even add noodles. Miyabi soup generally includes only thin slices of mushrooms and green onions.

Read on to see which traditional Japanese soup fills your cravings.

How are Miso Soup and Miyabi Soup Used?

Japanese restaurants frequently serve both Miso soup and Miyabi soup as options for appetizers. A colloquial name for Miyabi is “Hibachi soup,” because of its prevalence at hibachi restaurants. Miso soup is easier to serve as a stand-alone dish because its use of tofu and flexibility of adding vegetables makes it a heartier soup.

Japanese people will also eat Miso soup for breakfast. Both soups are excellent to pair with rice and vegetables. While people eat Miso soup as a meal, Miyami soup acts better as a side dish or appetizer for the rest of the meal.

Also read: what to expect at a hibachi buffet

Nutritional Difference Between Miso Soup and Clear Japanese Soup

Both soups are excellent choices if you are watching your calorie intake. Depending on the preparation of each soup and the vegetables added, the calorie count may change. However, the average serving of Miyabi soup contains about 47 calories. The average serving of Miso soup (prepared with tofu and green onions) includes about 90 calories.

Because both soups are prepared with meat stocks, both do have some protein content. If you’re looking to add more protein, though, Miso soup tends to have about 2g more protein per serving (6g/serving) than Miyabi soup (4g/serving).

Miso soup and Miyabi soup are both low sources of cholesterol, so they can be great additions to your diet. Both soups also include vitamins from the vegetables in their stock, such as Vitamin K.

Both soups can be high in sodium, so if you are watching your salt intake, you may want to watch how much soup you eat, or prepare it carefully to minimize your sodium.

Health Benefits of Each Soup

People looking to diet or watch their weight often turn to both Miso soup and Miyabi soup. The health benefits of including these broths in your diet, though, are not limited to weight loss alone.

Miso Soup

Miso soup is relatively low in fat. Low-fat foods have been shown to benefit the pancreas and prevent heartburn.

The soybeans used in most Miso pastes contain the necessary amino acids for human health, so Miso soup can substitute for a meaty dish.

 Studies have also shown that Miso soup is beneficial for digestion. The fermentation process for the soybeans in Miso paste adds good bacteria like probiotics, which will help your gut keep functioning at a high quality.

The fermentation process used in Miso soup makes the soup rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants diminish free radicals in your cells, which can in turn lead to better heart health.

Miyabi Soup

Miyabi soup is cholesterol-free. Low-cholesterol foods are exceptional choices for your arteries and your heart. In addition to these benefits, Japanese clear soup is low in fat, much like Miso soup. This means Miyabi soup is also unlikely to cause heartburn.

Japanese clear soup is very easy on the stomach, so if you are recovering from illness, it is a great option to gently sustain you. Furthermore, the warming property of the soup can help battle sickness.

 The antioxidants found in this soup stock make it a great choice to fight inflammation. If you are bloated, try a cup of Miyabi soup.

 Miyabi soup is a good source of water and fiber. While it may not contain as much protein as Miso soup, it can be a great way to start a meal while boosting your hydration and fiber intake.

Which Soup Should You Eat?

Both soups are excellent additions to a Japanese meal, so either one would be a marvelous side dish with rice and stir-fried vegetables or meat. If you are looking for a soup to stand by itself at a meal, Miso has more protein and nutrients. If you are looking for a light, fiber-packed appetizer, Miyabi soup might be more up your alley.

Also read: check out this delicious beef misono tokyo style

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