Fashion Magazine

Miracle Manicure Ingredient: Dreft

By Thelawsoffashion

Dreft stylist the laws of fashion mn minnesota manicure secret perfect tipEver since I was little, my mom used to soak her hands in warm soapy water with Dreft.  She is a nurse, so she is required to wash her hands constantly.  In the winter, her hands get dry, cracked and even bleed  Dreft is a miracle worker.  2 tablespoons in a bowl with warm water for as long as you can soak your hands, feet or affected area and you won’t believe how much of an improvement occurs.  I have a nervous habit of picking hangnails…Gross, I know!  Well, when I make a concentrated effort to soak my hands for just a few days in a row, my fingers look brand new and I can have beautifully manicured hands.  I love Dreft!

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