Food & Drink Magazine

Minimalist Monday: Memory Keeping

By Clairejustalittleless
Minimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory KeepingMinimalist Monday: Memory Keeping
On Thursday, at his funeral, many memories were shared of my dad, Michael. We each had different memories to share and the stories that were told that day created a wonderful sense of pride, love and respect in us all. I wrote and read Dad's eulogy and, as my nerves settled, I realised what an honor it was to tell his story to his family, friends and work colleagues. It made me realize how much our lives overlap, how much we can influence those we come into contact with and how we remember someone for how they made us feel as much as for what they achieved. 
The love and stability he created for his family will live on as will his example of living a good life: always hard-working, loyal, caring and respectful to others, very positive and determined to enjoy life. 

As we begin our 'new normal' lives without my dad, his memory and example will live on. 
Minimalist Monday: Memory Keeping

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