Has simplifying our garden been easy? No!
But since when did simplifying any area of our lives come easily?
Simplifying our garden to create a low maintenance but attractive space has been hard work both in the planning stages and in the practical work involved. Simplifying isn't easy no matter what task, space or area of your life you are addressing or how many years of experience you have. Successful simplifying requires careful planning, preparation, creative thinking and patience. In the early stages of planning our garden I was convinced we would require professional help to complete the manual work involved in removing our lawn, yet we have accomplished it easily (but more slowly) ourselves. Likewise, instead of buying large plants in bulk we intend to buy small plants in small numbers and gradually transform our outdoor space. We want to watch it settle down, evolve and be able to nurture it if it needs intervention. There is no rush.Patience, dedication and optimism are all key ingredients when trying to simplify any area of your life. Whether you're trying to reduce your debt, downsize your home or reduce your possessions stick with the dream. The journey to simplifying is hard work but achievable!