Hellooo shimmer,
A little catch up... I've had a spot of the flu hence the lack of posts! Sorry guys :) I promise the rest of the school selection is coming soon. Also wish lists, tutorial and reviews.
This catch up is more of a I NEED YOUR HELP!!! I love it when you get involved in my discussions so please do even if you don't think it is valid I love reading comments even if they just say hello :)
At school some people get allocated places on committees depending on what they are good at. I'm on the yearbook and the bake sale committee. If you had a yearbook what stuff was in it that you thought was a great idea? Cause we are sort of needing ideas! Also what is good to bake on a baked ale I can do cupcakes, empire biscuits, tiffin and such like any recipes would be helpful.
This week even with the flu I have been going to UNI open days which have been great and really made me excited for university. Anyone been or going to UNI tell me experiences what your looking forward to not looking forward (or I you've been what you liked and disliked) That would be great and we can get a little discussion going :)
Another little thing, anyone recommend any liquid eyeliners cause I need a new one. The one I have is a collection 2000 and I will be doing a review on it as part of an empties post but I'm looking to try a new one so please share.
Hope you are all well and please do subscribe and leave a comment also check out my YouTube vids (Video tab) and also check me out on twitter all linked in the about me page and also at the side of this blog.
Have a lovely rest of your week
Laura xx
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