TV & Video Magazine

Mini-Fangbangin’ True Blood Season 5 Spoiler

Posted on the 13 December 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Mini-Fangbangin’ True Blood Season 5 SpoilerE! Online mentioned this mini-spoiler in their Spoiler Chat earlier today!

WARNING: for those who don’t want to be spoiled – please don’t read below!

The good news…this has NOTHING to do with werewolves…and has something to do with vampires! The bad news…this isn’t very specific and not sure if this has anything to do with Eric and/or Sookie…

Mini-Fangbangin’ True Blood Season 5 Spoiler

Which vamp is it? (Except for Nan.)

Read on, if you want to find out!

This is what they said;

Yas: Any True Blood info not related to werewolves? I’m a fang-banger for life!
Prepare for a flashback to the 1950s. The city: San Francisco. Now who could possibly have business in San Fran during the ’50s?


Hmmm…not sure who this could involve? Do you think this is could be one of the Pam and Eric flashbacks we posted in previous spoiler posts before? Or, is it another vampire on the show?

What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts and your spec below!

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