Languages Magazine

MindMeld: Soothing Frustrated Chefs with an In-kitchen Voice Interface

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs
MindMeld: Soothing frustrated chefs with an in-kitchen voice interface

Avid cooks have all been there:  Three pots are on the stove, a tray is in the oven, a heap of vegetables needs to be diced, and you don’t know the next ingredient for the sauce.

Do you:

A) Make a mad dash for your tablet, get egg and flour smears on the screen, and let slip a few choice profanities?

B) Interrupt your flow to move one pot off the stovetop, turn down the heat on another, and wash and dry your hands before trying to recall the right keywords for your search query, typing it up, and thumbing through pages of incorrect results?

C) None of the above.

For those chefs whose favorite recipe app has a MindMeld voice interface, the correct answer is C.

MindMeld was built to have deep knowledge of a given domain (in this case, a recipes database), powering apps in their quest to properly understand users’ queries and provide accurate results. 

Now screens stay clean, dishes come out on time, and chefs don’t have to break their focus. Want to see MindMeld-for-Super-Chefs in action? Try out a quick demo here.

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