I was expecting to feel tingling or something whilst I had the booties on but I felt nothing at all. They say that three days later your skin will start to peel. I used the booties on Friday night. Every day I checked my feet but nothing happened until Tuesday morning whenI had a tiny bit of peeling but nothing major. I started to wonder if I'd done the peel wrong.

I've been fairly happy with the results that I got from Milky Foot. There is still some dry skin on the back of my heels but it's a lot better than it was. My feet look and feel a lot nicer than they did before, the skin is softer and healthier looking.
Next time I use Milky Foot I'll make sure it's in winter, walking around in sandals with my skin peeling off was not fun.
I purchased Milky Foot from Chemist Warehouse for $18.99. You can get it from Priceline for $31.99 and Wizard Warehouse for $41.