Philosophy Magazine

Milan, 11 March 2019: Workshop “Interpreting Quantum Mechanics: Old and New Philosophical Problems”

By Wuthrich

Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mathematics – March 11, 2019

Quantum Mechanics is our most successful theory to account for the microscopic world. Yet, it is still beset with outstanding interpretational questions that have intrigued physicists, mathematicians and philosophers for almost a century. The present workshop aims at exploring some of the major foundational problems that arose already in the early formulations of the theory and continue to plague our understanding of quantum probabilities. The invited speakers are Michael Cuffaro (Western Ontario\Munich\Vienna), Molly Kao (Montreal), Miklos Rédei (London\Munich) and Jos Uffink (Minnesota). For more information on the program visit or contact Giovanni Valente (Politecnico di Milano) at


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