So one of my absolute favorite things about Kansas City is Middle of the Map Festival. My great friends Nathan Reusch and Chris Haghirian started this festival and it has been going strong for a couple of years. This year was my first time at SXSW but I have to say I enjoyed MOTMfest much more. One of my favorite bands Big Black Delta performed and I turned into a 14 year old girl screaming/singing to every Big Black Delta song. Yes, I totally was "THAT GIRL." I hope that MOTM keeps its local vibe while still maintain all the big acts it needs to pull in each year to make a good investment.
I have more photos of the event to post but wanted to get started on a series of three blog posts dedicated to that fun day. I meant to document more of my outfits I wore around Westport to the concerts but I was having too much fun getting into trouble. Enjoy this post for now until post two and three make their appearance. Thanks for continuing to follow my blog. I truly appreciate you.
See what bands performed:
PS-aren't you obbssed with my friends Boston Terrier purse like I am? Perhaps it's because I own one too.