Gardening Magazine

Mid-July Harvests

By Mwillis
As most readers will be aware, I love "Harvest basket" style photos, so this week, with several harvests available I took the opportunity to take some...
Mid-July harvests
It's very satisfying to put together a collection of several different vegetables - much more so than just one, I think. I had just harvested the remainder of my garlic, which on its own might not be particularly photogenic, but it definitely had to be in the photo.

Mid-July harvests

Garlic "Mikulov Wight"

The bulbs that had had the extra 10 days were a bit bigger than the first ones (seen here at the Right), but they were admittedly still on the small size.
Mid-July harvests

This past week I have also harvested more potatoes. These are First Early "Annabelle".
Mid-July harvests

The yield this time as 2.148kgs, from 4 seed-tubers in 2 x 35-litre tubs.  A modest return, I'd say, but they are lovely potatoes. Some of them got scrubbed-up to have their picture taken.
Mid-July harvests

This was my first little harvest of carrots. They are from a mixture called "Harlequin".
Mid-July harvests

The mixture also contains some purple ones, but the only ones I could find were very much smaller than the orange, yellow and white ones, and not big enough to justify picking.
Mid-July harvests

The mixed carrots were eaten shortly after being picked, but I wanted to include some carrots in my Harvest basket, so I pulled up a few of the "Chantenay Red-cored" ones, which on the outside are all orange. I presume the insides will be red!
Mid-July harvests

With 6kgs to go at, we still have quite a few Broad Beans left, so I dragged some out of the fridge just for the photo-shoot!
Mid-July harvests

Putting them all together, I got this:
Mid-July harvests

Mid-July harvests

These photographs epitomise what my garden produces - never a huge amount, but usually good quality!

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