The United States most decorated figure skater has added a new piece of hardware to her collection...
Congrats Michelle!

Michelle Kwan and U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Clay Pell (Dir. of Strategic Planning - White House National Security Staff) were engaged over Labor Day weekend

Always very stylish, Michelle has already made it known that Vera Wang will design her dress. The famous wedding gown designer is pretty familiar with Michelle's body. She is responsible for some of Michelle's most memorable skating costumes. As fans, we talked as much about these impeccably crafted costumes as we did about her flawless performances while wearing them.

Scheherezade - 2002 Long Program
Stunning red costume adorned with gold

Lyra Angelica - 1998 Long Program
Beautiful, simple costume... Based on how ethereal this number was, this is all that was needed

Rachmaninoff 1998 and 2002 short program
Gorgeous and immaculately cut costume with gold leaf motif
Finally, its not enough to just talk about Michelle, we gotta watch her skate. The following is somewhat of a signature piece for Michelle. Her 1998 U.S. Nationals performance of Lyra Angelica... Wearing Vera Wang and just floating over the ice. It is one of my favorites from her. Enjoy.