Business Magazine

Meta Lists 6 Culture Codes For Advertisers

Posted on the 17 May 2022 by Gaurav Kumar @vhowtodo
Meta has published a report that shows how professional content performs better than regular content.

Why is there culture change?

  • The reason is that most people are using smartphones to access Facebook, and now Facebook has more audiences.
  • Another reason is that brands should share more content regularly to stay connected with their audience.
In recent years, things like smartphones, 4g/5g, pandemic, lockdown, remote jobs culture, Reels, etc., have also changed the social media culture.

People are more interested in sharing real-life events.

YPulse report shows that 79% of users do not prefer to see perfect images in ads.

It is time to understand these 6 culture codes released by Meta for brands.

Real People with Real Stories:

The audience understands the difference between ads and reality. They want more real content than perfect ads.

When someone else shares your story, it becomes authentic.
Brands should follow social media platform language to stay relevant and effective.

Brands should use real customers or employees to improve the potential of their ads.


When we say social media language, it does not mean writing or speaking.

Forging strong relationships with influencers and content creators.

Still, it is about recognizing user behavior on social media platforms and creating ads according to that.

You should make content creators or social media influencers talk about your product, services, or brand.

Build Relationships:

People trust influencers or creators they are following more than your ads.

Taking users behind the scenes is another way to build trust and show them what is happening.

Give the creator freedom to tell the story in his way. It is the perfect way to create influential stories about your brand.

Take users behind the scenes:

Use Lo-Fi techniques and tools to create real-life images, videos, etc.

Show them how you are creating content and what it takes.

Use Lo-Fi Techniques:

Humor is always the best way to relate with your audience.

You do not need perfection; you need the reality to show in your ads.

You can create humorous content or hire someone good at doing the job.

Use Humor:

Brands must stay updated and relevant to their customers.

Everyone loves humor, which is why some brands are using funny ads, cartoon characters or comedians, etc.


Social media and its culture are always changing. It takes more than one thing to make that shift.

Use these culture codes to improve your marketing strategies on Facebook.
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