Diaries Magazine

Merry Merry!

By Owlandtwine
Merry Merry!
We piled around the kitchen island.  Cheese, crackers, summer sausage, popcorn, butter-mints in those lovely pastel colors dotted with bright crunchy dots, cranberry cocktail for the little ones, fine bourbon with a splash of ginger ale for the mom and dad.  Of course we still had the same pajamas on that we started out the day wearing even though the sun had just set for the night.  Off everyone's face, a glow from the Christmas tree's light.  It would not have mattered on this Christmas eve if one single gift made its way into our home.  I have been gifted enough.
These past few days have been just grand.  Almost luxurious.  The above description could have been Friday, Saturday, Sunday...  All of us home, jammie-clad most of the time - if not all of the time.  During the early hours on Christmas morning a sheet of snow as lovely as fine linen came down slow and steady making Christmas morning feel like a glittering snow globe, shaken and magical.  This year we kept things very simple.  The little ones got one present each from Santa.  Lego's, of course.  And I had a blast filling their stockings with bow ties, ties, spy glasses, chocolate rocks, and such.  It was wonderful to see them so excited and giddy, minus the overwhelm from too much.  I think Eric and I finally got it right with this gift giving business.
And, well, Hello there!  Did you notice the new blog design?!  I hope you love it as much as I do.  I finally gave in, declared html completely and totally evil, and allowed a goddess to work her design magic, for as much as I love to blog, I was not going to start another new year with whacked out widths, mix-matched fonts, etc.   And.  I'm tweeting.  Lawdy!  And.  My hubby gave me an iPhone for Christmas.  It only took me two hours this morning to get it working.  If miracles do happen (and they do!), I hope to be on Instagram in the near future as well.  The Mrs. is going all out in 2013! 
For now, some more of this glorious slow and low time as my friend Jen says.  I can hear the New York Times chocolate chip cookie recipe calling my name, and those dear little ones of mine gave me books - Anne Lamott, Mary Oliver, Smitten's new cookbook.  I'm off!

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