We, here at Eric & Sookie Lovers, would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you – Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or whatever else you call this time of year!
‘Tis the season of giving! In keeping with this spirit, we would like to thank you for visiting and for taking part in our Eric & Sookie lovin’ discussions! Hope Santa is as good to you as Eric is to Sookie (as proven in the pictures below)…

Yes, we LIKE!
Out with the old…in with the new!
Hope your gifts are tied in GP-sized red bows too!
And just because this wouldn’t be complete without some Skarsporn…

Ah…yes! Who said the weather is frightful? I’d say it’s quite delightful, especially with scenery like THIS!
Remember to stay safe and take care out there during this holiday season!

Sincerely, the Eric & Sookie Lovers Staff