For the first time in United States history, election day falls as Mercury begins its retrograde movement, known as stationary retrograde. The exact moment will be later in the day causing some astrologists to believe it will be no big deal. Logically, it would seem so with many voting early. One only need observe the long lines at the Post Offices on April 15th to know that the majority of us will be racing to the polls at the last hour.
Regardless, anyone who pays attention to Mercury's retrograde activity knows that it's similarities to Murphy's Law can't be ignored. Essentially "whatever can go wrong, will". The last election affected by a MR period was the 2000 election. Remember the hanging chads? The difference in that election and this one is that it fell on the last day of MR, known as stationary direct.

Mercury, in its retrograde period lasts approximately three weeks and appears to move backwards through the zodiac. Passing between the Earth and the Sun, the visual of moving in a retrograde (directed or moving backward) direction should have no affect on us. It's only a perception. On the contrary, it can wreak havoc on those who've come to know and dread it.
The two weeks prior to its retrograde station and two weeks following its direct position are called the shadow phase. It begins to have an effect on us similar to the outer bands of a hurricane hitting land.
The documented results of Mercury Retrograde? Miscommunication, confusion, delays and re-do's. Astrologers caution not to sign contracts or begin something new (unless you like re-doing) and explain that it's a good time to re-organize, plan and generally wait-it-out. It's always important to check and re-check travel plans, appointments and to communicate clearly. And, it doesn't hurt to tune-up electronics and equipment prior to its approach.
With regard to the upcoming election, it is imperative that election officials, volunteers, and all involved check and re-check everything from equipment to communications.

A direct hit? Synchronistically, I heard the same phrase out of the mouth of a news anchor reporting on Hurricane Sandy. Foreshadowing always causes a creeping chill to emerge and I can imagine no "creepier" foreshadow for this election than this "hurricane wrapped in a n'oreaster" as weather experts describe Sandy.
My prediction? Don't be surprised if the election itself is delayed. Imagine thousands of voting polls destroyed by this devastating storm. In one week's time, power may still be down in hundreds of cities across dozens of States.

Mercury Retrograde is traditionally challenging. Combine it with a natural disaster and major Presidential Election and we find a series of "Direct Hits" that may become the most notorious MR period in U.S. History.