Food & Drink Magazine

Melbourne Artist: Carin Lavery

By Slowlivingessentials
Some time ago, you may recall that I visited 'Veg Out' community garden in St Kilda. This is a community project that allows plot holders to grow their own produce right in the heart of St Kilda, Melbourne. You can read more about my visit to Veg Out  in this post
I was contacted recently by Melbourne artist  Carin Lavery, to request permission to use one of my photos that I had taken that day for her to work from with the hope of entering a local competition. Happy that she had taken the time to ask and really liking her style, I said "Sure! Go for it!" Or something along those lines.  ;)
Not long after this exchange (I am still actually quite astounded at how quick it was!), Carin contacted me again to let me know that she had completed her piece and would like to share it with me.
Here is the finished piece below..
Melbourne artist: Carin Lavery
And the photographs that she worked from... Melbourne artist: Carin Lavery Melbourne artist: Carin Lavery
In her email, Carin mentioned that she was still very new to art and had only taken it up less than a year ago. 
I have to say, I was pretty stoked that she had thought my humble photo worthy enough to work from and when she shared her work with me, I was blown away with how it came out!
I love it, Carin and I really want to thank you for making my week!
Melbourne artist: Carin Lavery
For more information on Carin and to check out her other works, please take a look at her website: 
Best of luck with your artistic endeavors Carin!

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