Spirit guides sometimes manifest in the form of "imaginary friends" to our younger audience as they are more connected to their abilities and have yet to be corrupted by the "societal norms" that block so much of the population from enhancing their spiritual gifts.For the individuals who remain blocked, they are truly missing out on the experience of a lifetime.Sure, there are people in this world who believe in angels or seem to sense that we are not alone on this three dimensional plane, but they have yet to tap into the joy of their very own guide. Someone who is with them at all times, regardless of what they are going through.Throughout my lifetime I have met and embraced many different guides and totems that cycled with me as I moved through the events of my life. None of those meetings even begin to compare with the night that I met my main guide, Spirit Dancer.During my high school years I lived on nine acres of land in a beautiful home that was full of spiritual energy and beings. The property was the final piece of magickal land that had once contained hundreds of acres. It was sold off in pieces and eventually became Altamonte Springs, Florida.The piece that we lived on had crypts in the ground with headstones dating back to the early 1800s. I could sit out on the screened-in pool deck and see spirits walking across the small wooden bridge that flowed over the Little Wekiva river that ran straight through the property.The hallway door leading to my bedroom was a vortex and I would lay in bed at night with my door open and watch spirits walk down the hallway and disappear into the vortex.On the night that I met Spirit Dancer I was in my bedroom at the house in Florida. I had lit several candles in the room and I had incense sticks burning as well. It was almost midnight and I turned on my favorite Enya CD (Paint the Sky With Stars), before lying down on my bed.At that point in time, I had all kinds of beautiful black light posters on my wall including one I managed to find at Flea World that painted the wheel of the zodiac in neon purples, blues, and yellows.I also had multiple rows of glow-in-the-dark, flower shaped, bead curtains hanging down all over my room.I had a giant wooden bookcase made out of oak that had lots of nooks and crannies to display my crystals, fairy figurines, and oracle cards.My room was my favorite place to be. It was always neat and was a place that I cherished spending time. I would work on my Book of Shadows, read, or write in my journal while listening to music and singing.I loved to turn on the black light and just relax and meditate in my room.My parents knew that sending me to my room was not a punishment of any kind, so when I was naughty I got sentenced to yard work instead. Hours were spent pressure washing the pool deck and pulling weeds. That may sound fun to an herbal witch but this Crabby Witch has a black thumb and is incapable of tending to or growing up plants even if my life depended on it.But I digress....After setting the mood in my room I laid down on the bed and started to meditate. After clearing the daily chatter out of my mind and cleansing my aura I began to feel a sense of extreme calm come over me. My body felt tingly and light and I can remember tapping my big toe to the song, "Storms of Africa" that was currently playing on my stereo.Over time, the combination of the music, the incense, and the candles put me into a semi-asleep state/meditative sleep that I would find out later I had experienced for over an hour.The next thing I knew, my entire body was paralyzed and I couldn't move even when I tried. It felt like a huge weight was on top of me and I was frozen in place. I started to panic but at that moment I flew out of my body and landed like a pretzel in a large field somewhere in Scotland or Ireland. I'm not really sure which place it was but it's one of the two.I could feel the power of the area and knew that many people had graced the land with their presence, energy, and rituals past.I glanced up to take in my surroundings and noticed a huge, rickety barn that was dark green in color with faded white trim. What grabbed my attention was the fact that it had a mesmerizing purple aura around it. I remember wanting to walk toward the barn and the moment the thought went through my mind, I began to float toward the barn.Have you ever gone through a door while not in solid form? It's a very unsettling feeling!Once inside, the first thing my eyes settled on was a very long, rectangular table (the kind you can buy at Home Depot in the garden section), and laid out on the table were dozens of amulets, talismans, and a variety of spiritual necklaces. The amulets and talismans were lined up in all colors of the rainbow and each had a distinct glow and feel as I floated by them. While fascinating, my interest was drawn to the necklaces more than anything else in that room.There were so many variations! Some were made of stone, some with beads, some with arrowheads only, some with sparkling gems, some with chakra healing stones, and several other kinds as well.Past the table my eyes brought into focus a large group of Native American who were sitting in a circle on the floor and chanting while swaying back and forth. However it wasn't an ordinary wooden barn floor they were resting on. It was a large, smooth, circular quartz crystal that was glowing and vibrating in time to their swaying.The heat radiating from the crystal brought a sheen of sweat to my brow and I could feel the force of energy radiating from the floor toward my ethereal body. Upon closer examination it looked as though someone had tumbled a giant quartz crystal the size of the entire barn and then used an enormous saw to slice off a piece for the barn floor. It took up the entire barn floor once you got past the amulet, talisman, and necklace table.I somehow felt like my presence was intruding so I self-consciously stood there as an outsider for a few minutes enjoying the chanting and the beautiful vibrations that were coming from the quartz on the floor.After a few minutes, the members of the group looked up and waved invitingly for me to join the circle. They asked me to sit in the middle of it and the moment I was settled, they placed their hands on me.I could feel the warm, healing energy flowing through my soul and healing all the cracks and fissures that had been created over time.Once all hands had been placed in different spots on my body, the group went back to chanting and swaying. The energy brought me to tears as I had never felt so much unconditional love, compassion, and devotion in my life. I closed my eyes and allowed the beautiful energy to wash over me wave after wave.The message was very clear although no one spoke aloud:"You've become run down with all the negativity of your abusive earth father. We shall fill you up now and help your cellular structure to know without a doubt what unconditional love is supposed to feel like."After a moment or two I opened my eyes and saw one of the Indians stand up. He grabbed my hands and brought me to a standing position and then stood in front of me holding my hands and gazing into my eyes.The rest of the group was still chanting and swaying and as I held hands with him, we started to sway back and forth from the energy while standing in the middle of the circle.He was wearing a full headdress that had multiple feathers from many different birds and his hair was long and raven black with streaks of gray. He was so incredibly wise and knowledgeable and his face may have been full of wrinkles, but his eyes were as clear as a cloudless night sky. The term shaman doesn't even begin to describe him. Such love, radiance, and pure beauty radiated from his being and into mine!We bonded while we stood there in the circle and he telepathically told me that whenever I need him, just to call and he will be there for me always. He told me not to be run down or frightened by the flames of destruction carried by my birth father as he is the unenlightened one. He told me I have such a bright light inside of me and that I am stronger than I will ever know.Then he told me that he likes to shape shift into the form of an Apache Tear so if I carry one close to my heart he will always be there without having to call him to me.That was the first time that I was introduced to Spirit Dancer.At that moment everything started to fade and I was slammed back into my body with such force that I rolled off the bed and crashed into my night table.I lay there on the floor panting and gasping for breath and remembering and savoring every moment of my journey. I wrote it down in one of my journals and filled twelve pages. I didn't want to miss a single memory of my journey.That was one of the journals that got destroyed when I left home and this is the first time I have rewritten it since then.A few days later my aunt came to visit my mother and brought all kinds of stones with her.She and I sat down and she pulled out her deerskin stone bag and said:"I had a dream about you the other night and was told to bring you this stone. I even forgot it and was forty minutes away from home and just had to go back and get it for you. That's how strong the stone was calling for you. It's an Apache Tear. Have you ever heard of one?"I smiled up at her and nodded yes as I was too overcome with emotion to be able to speak. What a wonderful gift Spirit Dancer had given me! Not only a literal "out of body" experience as a first meeting, but also confirmation of this sacred meeting brought to me in the form of an Apache Tear.Spirit Dancer and I have been through many wonderful experiences together which I will share at a later date. For now, I hope that this experience has opened your heart and mind to the unconditional love, support, and guidance that is the true magick of Spirit Guides.Perhaps now is the time for you to embrace and welcome your own guide into your life. The friendship, love, and adventures that await you are limitless!The Crabby Witch )O(